YET Another Fabulous SUNDAYS! Celebrating the NEW YEAR and the PARTY was extended till 5AM!!! it was a GREAT night with GREAT music and a GREAT crowd! Eventhough the ticket was rather expensive, but i think it was worth it... Compare PLAY and Taboo... FABULOUS sundays is the BEST! i think cause of the DJ la! hahaz.. Dj George Leong...
Anyway 2008 is coming very fast! i would like to seek forgiveness for the this that i have done this year 2007. What is done, cannot be undone, wat is past, let it be the past... there will be more challenges, adventure and things to experience in year 2008, let us learn our mistakes and nvr repeat it again and be a better person in 2008... HAPPY NEW YEAR guys...
cheers; AyiE
by AyiE | 10:30 PM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 11:47 PM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 9:56 PM in | comments (0)
Wishing all Christianity a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Well, the time nw is like 7.15am in da morning! and i have not yet sleep! anyway in a few hours time, am gonna head down to Boi house, to help his mom cook for his Bdae BBQ pit! Wah, finally eh he turn 18.... lol.... welcome to the 18 club bro! anyway yesterday, the eve of christmas is really sux! i hate going orchard during this period of time! HUMAN TRAFFIC JAM! hahaz... me and sky have to squeeze ourselve to pass through the crowd and dammit, y must there be street performance! well the reason why we went there is tat we're simply bored staying at home... so decided to go out! :D
anyway the day before, i went out with adik kid... love going out with him, quite a good entertainer! hahaz... here is the pic we took in the toilet.... hehehee
Take a look at tat pic.. hahaz, i like adk kid smile! make me smile too but i hate seeing my pic! lol.. not being racist or anything la but i look so chinese! hahaz..and sry eh adk, didnt smile! lol...
anyway tats all for now la... this is not really an update.... a proper update will be up soon if am not lazy la.. hahaz.. gtg
signing off
by AyiE | 6:40 AM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 5:43 PM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 12:39 PM in | comments (0)
yea i knw, been a long time since i last update my freaking blog... well, i've got hooked up with alot of event, and activity and god i thank him that the ATC2007 is finally OVER! Well i do Enjoy this year ATC, i love the company there BUT being controlled by sumone who do not realised their mistake and always turn their table around, would be the last person u want to be with... trust me.... seriously there was a lot of political issues happen during the ATC 2007 but thanks to all my trainees who was always there to calm me down and also would like to thank Helmi, Nasri, haridz and daryan who have been accompany me through out the langkawi trip... ur presence is greatly apprciate!
and to all the new and upcoming trainers, Congratulation on completing the 2 weeks trainer course which have been conducted by me, nasri, mr yap, mr wong and the CCAM.
On the 9th december! St James Power house celebrated their 1st anniversary for Fabulous sundays and yes it was indeed a Fabulous Night. Many patron did enjoy their night there drinking and dancing till late night... miss it? dun worry, Come on down on 23 december and have a christmas party with the fabulous! Bring along ur friends and party all night long!!! it will be a fun and enjoying christmas party!
stay tune for more updates
signing off
in Celebration of world aids day this coming 1st december, let us talk about sex, safer sex i mean. Many ppl around the world are not aware that having raw sex is highly dangerous, and to my suprise, nt many ppl also knw the important things on wearing a condom and also on how to wear a condom.... here's a diagram on how to wear a condom.
Pls take note tat fingernails can tear the condom! so dun let ur gf with long fingernail to put the condom for u! and also take note tat condom are NOT mend to use for ANAL sex, its easier for the condom to rip when having anal sex same goes to using oil based lubricant. and last but nt least, after using it, pls DISPOSE it in a WASTE bin and not our reservoir by flushing it down the toilet!(Then u will get a hell new version of new water) lol. well i guess tats all for now... gonna update more on it later on.. too lazy ar now... hehehe...
signing off
Ayie is a cam whore.... BIG TIME? yea!!! hahaz, for those of u who have seen my hp.... 90% of the pics there are MY pics... lol.... i knw.. am a lil vain pot here...:D
ANYWAY, yesterday went to Arts under the star.... with az, d, babes, daen and boi... the performance was cool la.. i like the emceee.... very professional... in a way.. hmmm... after the show, went to lepak with babes, d and boi... we had a great time ar... i like the presence... especially when d and babes around... feel sooo WELCOME.. yeapp.... anyway i've been enjoying my self for quite sumtime, trying to leave and forget the hardtime... so if u have been trying to put a smile on my face.... THANK U SO MUCH.....
anyway i gtg... too tired ar... :D
12 more days to trainer course.... a 2 weeks camp... sigh....
signing off
by AyiE | 7:37 AM in | comments (0)
clubbing, drinking and enjoying life.... its been my daily routine for now... TILL i go NS.... i guess am going to the SPF.... but cannot confirm anything yet.... maybe i go SAF... and i hope its not SCDF.... lol....
anyway... i BET trainer course will be a NIGHTMARE this year! they are RECRUTING those sec 2 guys! i was like OH MY F***ING LORD..... SEC 2, a TRAINER??? might as well they recruit SEC 1 or PRI 6 Students to be a trainer.... hw can an inmature kid who might have not gone through their puberty stage be a trainer.... are they capable of handling an adult job??? can they be responsible if anything cock up??? can they bare the consequenses???? c'mon la... its like throwing a 1 year old kid into a swimming pool and ask them to swim.... doesnt make any sense.... RIGHT??? sigh... wonder wat happen NEXT...................
oh ya... forgot... AM SICK la... sigh... having fever and suffering from dehydration... thanks to the Intersch competition... was the CM... aiyo... buay tahan la... i miss the good old days where NORVEL 061 engine is still being used and u can actually witness the RAT RACING... nw with electric motor.... 80% of the plane cant even fly la! dammit.... and 1 of my nvss student been talking bad abt me... dammit... i really hate him.. have no FUCKING idea what i did to that kid siark.... nvr scolded him nor have i mis treat him.... and he against me.... wth? kids nowadays just dun really knw how to appreciate wat others have been through.... me and syazwan have been going to north view almost like everyday during their exams period to come up with a plan and test flight the aircraft and we DIDNT even asked or get PAID by syfc to do tat.... we even COME OUT with our OWN money to buy the item and all they can say that we r HOPELESS!!! and when they need help they come and look for US?? i am telling u... if ppl don appreciate ur bloody HARD WORK... y shud i bother helping them in future.... is it so HARD to appreciate and understand??? or are u just SHOWING it to us EITHER tat u guys are just a BUNCH of MORON who do not knw how to use ur brain OR simply INMATURE??? god dammit...
sigh well anyway i gtg.... its no point bragging over here... hahaz.. and to abg SHAI... thanks eh for the doctor offer... but i dun want to trouble u la... and abg yuri..... thanks for showing ur care and concern!
signign off
heylo, am here to update again! been very busy for the past few days, yea.... busy enjoying my self i can sae! hahaz.... anyway went out with boi last fri to ITE SIMEI, to watch daen and his gal perform a play.... is a very nice play indeed! i like the story board... but my fav is the second play, prayer for the millenium, its abt war and peace...and suprisingly they mention all the country who are involve in the war, like Iraq, afghanistan, burma and many more... and i like the video presentation, watever stated there, very true... anyway DAEN! like the way u act! cool.... :D and oh yea.... boi cant even identify his girl... wat a guy siark... lOL....
anyway here are the pic we took at shook sis wedding, (Perkahwinan Kartini dan ali)
First and foremost, i would like to say "Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada kakak Kat dan Abg ali semoga kamu diberi rahmat oleh Allah SWT."
Signing off
if i say tat there's a $20 singapore note, would u believe it?? well u shud cause there is!!! its really rare for now... only a few have such notes! if u have, DUN USE IT!!!! seriously.... anyway for those of u who wonder hw singapore $20 note look like..... here's a pic of it....
And its yellowish in colour! so.... NICE.... its a collaboration (if i spell it correctly) with brunei darul salam and singapore....
for more detail visit <<< thx to keyis for the link.... heheeee......
by AyiE | 12:44 PM in | comments (0)
::Halloween Party::
Signing off
Phew... anyway today is a very tiring day indeed..... Was looking forward to go to Dee house today but my mood was brought down when daen say he's not coming! was pretty pissed of though... then boi came to my house.... DAH TUA2 PON NAK DUIT RAYA! BERTUAH NYER BUDAK.... so yea.... and when reach to dee house.... fifaque was there.... hahaz.. first time i meet my listeners.... then ok la... joke around here and there... trying to make my self feel more welcome and comfortable! weeee~ ok am not gonna type more on wat happen at dee house, reason being is tat am too fucking lazy! ANYWAY tmr is halloween party at ST JAMES! i am realllllly looking forward for it! weeeeeeee... oh ya... below is a video of me doing the erm...... BASIC topler flairing... erm its only a few sec video clips... but i put hell lots of efford on this clips... hope u guys enjoy... and erm... I AM STILL A NOOB! SO PLS DON GIVE NEGATIVE COMMENT! hehee....
by AyiE | 5:02 AM in | comments (0)
its been a long time since i blog and dj-ing, been going out everyday and night enjoying my life, just to stay out from Stress ness.... i seriously miss abg aiman and kor tommy... wondering where they been to... didnt even have the chance to wish them Hari Raya personally...... anyway ikhwan is organising a Party at st james!! well it halloween though, have no idea if i shud rent a costume... shud i?? hmm.... anyway its 3.10am nw.. am kinda sleepy.... nitez
wow, been quite sumtime since i last update, been feeling kinda stress due to some reason. But thanks to god mercy, its been relief.... anyway AyiE have change and becoming wilder FYI, cause i realised that being nice give me SHITS. So to those of u who knw me well, i guess u shud knw my wild site.....
anyway am kinda lazy to update actually,so till then......
AyiE is going WILD?? hw true can tat sentence be??? well tats wat i heard from some guys who have been bad mouthing about me.... well this is common in gay world, this gay guys have nth better to do other then gossiping about others.... So wat i go St james and chill?? hello, even my father have no comment on it.... (erm sry eh pak bom... this post doesnt mean to shoot u... its abt my other gay friends.....)
well.... erm so wat if i am GETTING WILD? actually i prefer it to be tat way! it make me stress free actually.... seriously....
well anyway am nt really in the mood to blog cause am still learning some flairing trick... so gtg..
signing off
by AyiE | 10:42 AM in | comments (2)
Woo hoo... been having a lot of stress for the pass few days but yesterday was my stress free day! Gosh i really enjoyed my self partying with daen and his collegue! weee thx daen for asking me along!
And god i tell u, there's so many cuties out there.... hahahaz... some wanted to get my no. but i refuse to give cause i knw where am gonna end up....
anyway am really hoping to go clubbing with u guys AGAIN! and to josh, sry if i offended u by harrasing u... lol... well tat wat u get if ur a cutie.. my hand cant resist! lol...
signing off...
AyiE ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Minal Aidin Walfa-izin wal maqmubin dengan ikhlas kepada Semuer Umat islam, Muslimin dan Muslimah. Maafkan la ayie jikalau ayie terkasar bahasa atau pun bersikap buruk kepada semuer dan atas kesalahan besar biarpun kecik, nampak dan tak nampak. Ramadhan telah pun meninggal kan kita sekali lagi and syawal pun sudah menjelang jadi sebagai umat islam, marilah kita bermintak maaf dan mengampunkan dosa2 yang telah kami buat. Semoga Allah swt. memberikan kita rahmat dan menjadikan kita umat islam yang bersoleh. Wal taufik wal hidayah, assalamualaikum Warathmatullah lilaahi Wabarakathu...
by AyiE | 2:07 AM in | comments (1)
the other day... i was retrieving my mail from my mail box.... when i open my mail box, my heart suddenly skip 1 beat.... and my jaw drop to the ground when i saw the letter that contain in my mail box.....
This is the letter that i received.......
hmmm letter from CMPB! its like receiving a death warrant!
Is my time to serve the nation up yet??? where will i be posted??? and WHEN will it be???
and boy i was afraid to open up the letter......
this is wat they send..
MR ZULFADHLI BIN ZAINUDIN (really they have to spell my name in CAPS)
Dear Sir, (and they address me by SIR too)
Full-Time National Service
1. You have been scheduled for enlistment on 11/03/2008 for your National Service (NSF). However, we need an update on your medical fitness
2. You are require to report to Central Manpower Base , Medical Classification Centre, Level 1, for a medical update. Please refer to the attached further reporting order (FRO) for the reporting date and time. After your medical screening, the Enlisment Notice will be sent to you if your PES status remain unchange.
3. If you need any clarification, you may contact us at tel. 6373 3127 for assistant.
Yours faithfully.
Ong Pei Hui (MS)
WOW.. its jst another medical check up... but i already knw my enlistment date... sigh...
well gonna update soon.....
signing off
by AyiE | 11:59 PM in | comments (0)
Hey hey, yea me again... well who else would it be? its my blog.... hahaz, sry for acting bimbo.... WAIT am i acting or seriosly am bimbotic??? lol....
weeee 5 more days and raya come! but oh my, i am not in a festive mood... i just dun feel like celebrating hari raya this year... dun ask me why... cause seriously i have no idea.... am also NOT really looking forward to it...
anyway my greatest wish is to meet abg aiman and kor tommy on one of the hari raya but i guess it will be impossible, cause i have no idea where are they about.... so all i can do is to wish them Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri via my blog (tat if they read it :D)
gosh... due to financial problems and stuff... i still owe pak jut his $30, daen his $20 and oh ya abg fir kesayangan ku... i dunno hw much have he lended to me... still finding my own way to pay the dept.... Sry guys..... and finding a part time job is difficult... if only money drop from the sky......
oh ya, found this poster on PLU webby... and i think wat they say is true.... cause thats how majority gays feel.....
well anyway i gtg.... updating soon...
signing off
by AyiE | 5:02 PM in | comments (0)
Send an email to me if UR back in Singapore!!!
Anyway here's are some of the topic am about to discuss.... this topic shall be rated 18.... but WTH.... in singapore, we should be open minded.... therefore i am pursuing with this
to those who are NOT mature and do not knw what is Homosexuality, Homosexual are sumbody who have interest in the same gender or sex. example: a boy who likes a boy instead of girls. By now if u think tat it is DISGUSTING to have sumone like that in singapore... u r either NOT MATURED, NOT OPEN MINDED and also a typical HOMOPHOBIC. Many People in singapore are now signing up a Partition to support the human and gay rights in singapore by repeal the penalty code under section 377a.
Here are the letter that have been sent to PM Lee. Read it and understand it!
Subject: Abolition OF Section 377A, Penal Code
Dear Prime Minister,
As a citizen of Singapore, I write to appeal to your sense of fairness and equality, to take the lead to move Parliament and your party on issues related to s377A, Penal Code. I strongly believe that it should be repealed, not just for the benefit of the gay community, but also for the good of all Singaporeans. I also firmly believe that the time to repeal s377A, Penal Code is now, not later.
The reasons why this repeal is so important are manifold.
1. Singapore’s Founding Principles. |
1. Singapore’s Founding Principles
Singapore was founded on the basis of justice and equality. This is reflected in our pledge. From the start, Singapore as a nation has staunchly upheld multiculturalism, with diverse groups living together in harmony by respecting each other's differences. This has been the cornerstone of our country’s success. Since then, these principles have been further strengthened. For example: |
2. Constitutional and Legal Rights
Section 377A contravenes Singapore’s Constitution which grants equal rights to treatment and protection for everyone. This law is unequivocally discriminatory. We believe a gay man should have exactly the same rights as a straight man or woman. |
3. International Trends
The courts of many major countries have held the equivalent of s377A to be discriminatory, an invasion of privacy and unconstitutional. This is not only in Europe and America. It includes the UN Human Rights Committee, S, Africa and most recently Hong Kong. The legislatures in UK, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and even China have also passed laws decriminalising such acts. |
4. Domestic Trends
The attitude of Singaporeans have become much more accepting of alternative sexuality. Between 2000 and 2005, the level of acceptance has changed from 10% to more than 30%. The latest figure is taken from Mark Cenite and B. Detenber's article in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Furthermore, the Straits Times online census in July 2007 indicated a tolerance level of 55%. |
5. Damage to the Gay Community
6. Pragmatism, Leadership and the Future
You and our government have always shown a willingness to make tough pragmatic decisions for the best interests of our country. Decisions made with conviction, despite opposition from various interest groups, religious organisations and minorities. |
signing off..
Alright, i title today blog topic... the good and the bad... cause this week, i have a good and the bad day.... let see in general..... Saturday i was robbed, got fooled with my friends and erm bankrupt... Sunday went to watch "i now pronounce you chuck and larry" courtesy of daen. Monday i have fun flying in North View with "sky" (Syaz) but the Security guard piss us off... Tuesday, sent my hp for repair and got to know i can only collect it on THURSDAY, then went to taka art friend shop but parts for aeromodelling and china town too... and today wednesday... hafta complete my aircraft! so yea.... tats all abt it......
anyway talking about chuck and larry, that is the most awesome movie i have watch... i really like the show but too bad its M18! i would love to watch it again.... it actually promote a STRONG message on GAY and HUMAN right....The movie is cast by Adam Sandles who act as chuck levine and kevin james as larry valentine.... The movie actually tell us How do gay people felt like when they been insulted by common homophobic.... and keep in mind, in the movie... chuck and larry are only PRETENDING to be homosexuals and they realise how DIFFICULT it is to deal with.... so like i say, GAYs are also human, they do deserve the same respect as other cause they do have feeling.... so pls don look down on gays.......
anyway enough of tat.. i think i gotta go.... cya!
signing off
Yesterday was indeed a great day for me! lol.. kinda fun... well i meet up with sky and dee to break fast together... to bad daen was not there.... hmm supposingly meeting sky at city hall @ 1800hrs but darn it.. he was late... keeping me waiting like a gong for 20 mins! then finally he arrive... then Dee will be late! i was like, hello, we're gonna break fast like in 35 mins time and she still at simei!~ OMG... hahaz... so we wonder around at city link mall... time check it was lik 6.58pm and 1 min to break fast! lol... soo we head down to 7-11 and buy drinks... was kinda irritate... complain tu sky "This is the first time i breaking my fast with a DRINK only" lol... anyway receive a call from DEE and she said she is already at suntec kfc.. so we headed there....
get a seat and finally have a proper meal...
i was craving for Pocket bandito.. so yea.. me and dee bought it
So here it is my meal... and OOoooohh my... Cheese fries... my FAV!
yea after tat went toy "r" us and head to sky garden cause SKY NVR BEEN TO SKY GARDEN, i was like..."hw pathetic" LOL.... yea.. then hang around at fountain and headed home... we have alot of things to joke and talk abt.. really enjoy my day nyah! lol.... and yea in train we snap some photo... too bad la daen nt there!
Me and Dee.... Couple>? neh... later sum1 jealous....
Couple? YEAP! DEFINATELY! .......
Me... cam whoring.. LOL....
GOD... am getting fatter!...
The 3 drama queen... LOL... si tengah tu act cute, si budak spec tu mater steam (horny kepe) lol... si baju hitam tu.. step
well update more soon
signing off...
by AyiE | 4:05 PM in | comments (0)
Recently some stranger ask me a random question... "Sir, may i ask... what is the most important things in your life" well i reply with a laugh... then i keep quiet.... suddenly my head is so pain like as if i was hit by a truck.... cause seriously, my mind suddenly went blank..... so he ask again.... "Sir are u ok, u have yet answer my question....." so i was like erm..... "Am not pretty sure what it is" tat is what i give in a reply.... and throught out the whole journey from sembawang to yew tee.... i kept quiet and think......
Is it my family? Is it my friends? Is it my personal belonging? Is it my Life and future? Is it the relationship between me and god? what is the most important things in my life???? i have no idea..... God knows.....
Anyway am pretty happy with my life now! Getting close with my dad and sis, friends getting more understanding, everything i have in my life is good enough... so wat more?? hmm let us not take things in life for granted...
Oh ya... did i mention that iSky radio was offcially launch yesterday! 27 september 2007. would like to thanks all of you who were there to show your support! thank you very much and also would like to thank Issac for endorsing my radio website! and erm if u guys wanna show ur support to iSky, contact me via MSN and i give u the code for the banner... the banner and button is on the side panel on your right... take a look at it...
anyway its 3.19 nw, gonna get ready my stuff... meeting sky and his girl to break fast..... so cya guys l8er!...
Urgh, first am getting fatter... now sick! god its ramadan, pls make me in a good mood to pursue with my saum.. anyway tat is another word for fasting.. its in arabic...
Anyway as for last tuesday, went to meet up with sky to test our aircraft... eventually we didnt take the photo when the aircraft is launched.... anyway it's a success though crash it due to the aircraft technical fault... its way over sensitive for a pilot to control it... well atleast manage to make a loop and rolll...
after the crash decided to go Bras basah with sky..... i was praying that he wont wear slipper again.... god gave me mercy and grant my prayer.... (Yippie_)... SO yea we went to bras basah and erm but new foam to build new aircraft.... after tat took taxi home.... gosh the taxi drive soooo slowly sia and cost me $12... cheh!
yea... and hmmm firdaus and sky buka at my house too.... i kinda happy when they are around me.... makes me feel confortable... afterall.... i treat them like my bro... especially sky... :)
Come to wednesday, (today) its a boring day la... i mean, wanted to fly today but the weather give way... and further more i am not feeling well.. so yea... so i spend my whole day sleeping.. didn't even buka! and its like over 12mid nw and i just woke up.....
anyway tats all for now la... gonna update soon..... :P
signing off
its the 9th ramadan and its going well, i find it peace to fast during this month and am still trying to force my self for the terawih prayer... anyway, dad going london next week for 6 days and i'll be home with my sis only... gonna be a very bored week.. so ppl... ask me out!
anyway i've been wanting to get my self a VEST! but just tat am nt financially stable... so yea, need to buy planes part, need to cut my hair, need to repair my laptop... gosh... life is expensive to maintain.....
oh ya! i am soo happy when i get to talk to my abg aiman and kor tommy.... thank u guys for remembering me! and the souvenior!!! lol really didn't expect u guys to buy souvenior from each country u guys goo... i wonder wat u guys getting me in japan! lol... sushi? wakaaa... anyway adik here missing u guys badly!!!!
oh ya.. do u knw tat singapore have a protest the other day.... here are some pic taken by me...
wah.. bunch of angry aunties???
something fishy going on here... what are they protesting abt.... hmmmm
WAIT! wats tat???
A light? and did i see a camera???
Oh... they are doing shooting.. but on wat??
Well i guess they are doing some comercial for a new product...
hahaz.. u thought a real protest didn u? lol anyway gtg nw
signing off
gosh, god is giving me the sneak preview of hell... lol... seriously, its bloody hot today... and yea ofcourse am fasting so can't rehydrate my self... so the whole day my lips is DRY!!! anyway yea went to bras basah complex with Sky today... seriously, i lost my water face sia going out with this guy! URGH! he wore his SLIPPER to CITY HALL... i dun mind sandal but slippers! "mcm nak pergi kedai bawa block!" (like going to the void deck shop)! i mean.... come on la... go town... wear sumthing presentable la.... sky sky... but was kinda fun la going out with my bro (sky) always got things to chit chat...... here are photos of him.....
and his sleeper... mcm mat kotai... lol..... mat rep pon kala ler.... wakakaz
anyway went to bras basah to buy some compress foam to build our model aircraft... yea u can call us aviation fanatic... name any aircraft and we'll know it.... so... after buying the stuff, headed back home.... so reach around erm 3pm.... and my stomach was rumbling.... well cannot blame... i didnt sahur today... so yea..... Sky follow me home and start planning on hw to build the aircraft..... anyway there was an auntie in the train eating crunch chocolate bar... she seat opposite us.... then i was like saying to my neighbour (met coincidently when otw home) "Ni org pon, tak tau ke org puaser" (this person ar, doesnt she knw we are fasting)... then upon hearing it... she like paiseh and keep in her purse... LOL... was kinda hilarious........ ok back at home... sky plan his plane and i was on the com... then later on he use my com to play Battle field while i fall asleep on my sofa... lol....
around 5.30 my dad came home with food... was kinda happy!!! feel like grabbing the plastic from him and start eating... BUT have to restrain from food la..... WOIT PUASER OI.... anyway sky went home around 5.45 cause he need to help him mom to cook (MCM BETUL JE)... lol.... then once he off.. i took a nap... the adhan start sounding... and its BUKA!!!! although am super hungry... but suddenly i LOST my appetite.. dunno why... so i just ate rice and chicken... tats all.....
anyway tats all for today... gonna update soon...
signing off
PS: Plane tat i build just now... F5 Tiger...
Many people think that ramadan is just fasting, only restrain ur self from food and drinks? well absoloutely NOT. Let us TOGETHER take a look on HOW ramadan really work....
Every year, more than one billion Muslims around the globe observe the importance of the month of Ramadan. This time of the year is a time for reflection, devotion to God, and self-control. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims show their devotion to God by fasting, or abstaining from food.
Many religions encourage some kind of fasting for religious purposes. For instance, Catholics give up meat for Lent and Jews fast during the holiday of Yom Kippur. For Muslims, fasting is a very important component of Islam. The benefits of fasting for Ramadan are numerous. The most important, though, is the idea that through the self-control of fasting one can pay special attention to his spiritual nature.
Ramadan is an important time for Muslims, not simply because it helps develop a closer relationship with God, but also because Ramadan is a time to think about those who are less fortunate. Another goal of fasting for Ramadan is to experience hunger in sympathy for those without food. It is a way that many Muslims learn thankfulness and appreciation for what they have.
In this article, we will examine the meaning of Ramadan, the tradition of fasting, how the time of Ramadan is determined, Eid al-Fitr (the end of Ramadan) and the benefits of observing the holiday....
then What is ramadan???
Ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic calendar. Because Islam uses a lunar calendar, Ramadan begins and ends at a different time each year. The way the lunar calendar works is that the beginning of each month begins with the sighting of the new moon. The lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar used in much of the Western world.
The start of Ramadan each year is based on a combination of sightings of the moon and astronomical calculations. In the United States, many Muslims adhere to the decision of the Islamic Society North America on the start of the holiday. The end of Ramadan is determined in a similar way.
The Meaning of Ramadan
According to Islam, a caravan trader named Muhammad was walking in the desert near Mecca. This occurred in what is now Saudi Arabia. One night a voice called to him from the sky. It was the angel, Gabriel, who told Muhammad he had been chosen to receive the word of Allah. In the days after, Muhammad began speaking the verses that would be transcribed as the Qu'ran.
At many mosques, during Ramadan, verses from the Qu'ran are recited each night. The prayers are known as tarawih. By the end of Ramadan, the complete scripture has been recited. Ramadan is a time when Muslims can connect with the teachings of the Qu'ran.
The main component of Ramadan is the fast....
How is Ramadan Celebrated?
During Ramadan, Muslims practice sawm, or fasting. Of course, no one is required to fast for an entire month. The practice of fasting during Ramadan means that Muslims may not eat or drink anything including water while the sun is shining. Fasting is one of the five pillars or duties of Islam. As with most other religious practices in Islam, Muslims participate in the fast from the age of 12.One of the most important aspects of the Ramadan fast is called niyyah. Niyyah literally means "intention." Muslims must not simply or accidentally abstain from food; they must achieve the requirement of niyyah. To achieve this requirement, a Muslim must "intend in [his] heart that [the fast] is meant to be a worship for Allah alone." So, if someone fasts for political or dietary reasons, he would not achieve niyyah. In fact, according to scripture, "Whoever does not make niyyah before dawn, would not have fasted." The determination to fast is equal in importance to the fast itself.
In much of the Muslim world, restaurants are closed during the daylight hours of Ramadan. Families wake up early, before the sun rises, and eat a meal called sohour. After the sun sets, the fast is broken with a meal called iftar. Iftar often begins with eating dates and sweet drinks to give fasting Muslims a quick energy boost, and it is a rich meal. It can include any type of food, but the dessert almost always includes konafa or qattayef. Konafa is a cake made of wheat, sugar, honey, raisins and nuts. Qatayef is a similar cake, but it is smaller and is folded to encase the nuts and raisins. In between the two meals, the night-time iftar and the pre-dawn sohour, Muslims can eat freely.
Fasting is so important to Muslims for a number of reasons. First, when you are not paying attention to your mortal needs such as food, you may be able to become more in tune with God and your spiritual side. Also, the fast serves to remind Muslims of the suffering of the poor. This idea reinforces the importance of charity during Ramadan.
Fasting gives Muslims an opportunity to practice self-control and cleanse the body and mind. Many cultures and religions use fasting for this purpose. During Ramadan, fasting helps Muslims with their spiritual devotion as well as in developing a feeling of kinship with other Muslims.
As the history goes, Ramadan is the month in which Allah contacted the prophet, Mohammed, to give him the verses of the holy book, or Qu'ran. As such, praying during Ramadan is especially important. Muslims say nightly prayers whether it is Ramadan or not, but the taraweeh, or Ramadan nightly prayer, carries additional weight.
According to scripture, "Whoever observes night prayer in Ramadan as an expression of his faith and to seek reward from Allah, his previous sins will be blotted out." Thus, the Ramadan nightly prayer, after a day of fasting, serves the purpose of eradicating the sins that have been previously committed. In this way, the nightly prayer is an important element of the rituals of Ramadan.
At the end of Ramadan and before the breaking of the fast, Muslims say takbeer. The takbeer is a statement indicating there is nothing in the world that is bigger or greater than Allah. Takbeer is always said when a Muslim completes an important task, as in the completion of the fast of Ramadan.
Translated, the takbeer exclaims, "Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is greatest. Allah is the Greatest and all praise is due to Allah." It is recommended that men say the takbeer out loud and women say it silently. Takbeer is a sign that the festivities of Eid Al-Fitr have begun. It is a joyful statement of faith and accomplishment.
Eid al-Fitr
During the celebration, people dress in their finest clothes, decorate their homes with lights, give treats to the children and visit with friends and family. According to many, a sense of generosity and gratitude are a major part of Eid al-Fitr. Charity and doing good deeds is a very important part of Ramadan. The month will often consist of Muslims helping to feed the poor and making contributions to their mosques.
When Muslims end the month of fasting, they are left with the many benefits that Ramadan leaves behind. According to Muslim tradition, Ramadan:
- strengthens one's ties with Allah and trains the soul to observe duties of devotion in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'an.
- enforces patience and determination.
- promotes the principle of sincerity by keeping the individual away from arrogance and showing off.
- promotes good character, particularly truthfulness and trustworthiness.
- encourages the individual to do away with bad habits and change his or her circumstances for the better.
- enhances generosity, hospitality and giving to charity.
- reinforces feelings of unity and brotherhood among Muslims.
- instills orderliness and observance of the value of time.
- serves as an opportunity for children to perform acts of obedience and to practice Islamic acts of worship.
- offers the chance to balance one's attention to both physical and spiritual needs.
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims gain more than a cleansing of the body and mind. Muslims feel that they are doing the work of getting closer to Allah through prayer, and are becoming more compassionate people by experiencing hunger, learning about the suffering of the poor. The fast of Ramadan is a central experience in the Islamic religion.
To learn more about Ramadan, the rituals and history, and about Islam in general, check out the links on the next page.
So to all my MUSLIM and Non MUSLIM friend, by now i hope this will clear any doubt on what ramadan is all about and why we MUSLIM have to fast....
Wa alaikum musalam....
Signing out
by AyiE | 11:44 PM in | comments (2)
Guess what i have to break my fast... if ur answer will be a donut... then ur right (sry no prize)... donut is soooo addictive! seriously.... but its not worth it la if i were to buy the donut near my house here... so expensive!! this is the donut shop... beside yew tee mrt....
Yummy Donut ,Bakery, Coffee..... i hope i wont get sued for taking this photo.....
this is the box... for 6 donuts.... cost me hell $7.50 sia.......
and this is my donut!!! except for the apple donut and the almond... its my sis and dad! lol... but the rest is mine!!!! YUMMY!!!!
Anyway i break my fast 1 HOUR after the call of prayer (Azan) well some say its not good to 'Buka' (Break fast... NT BREAKFAST) late... though i dunno the reason why... but really i wasnt in a good mood! URGH CURSE U WHO EVER I AM ANGRY WITH u knw who u r!!!! lol.. relax... its ramadhan... there must be peace! and to all MUSLIMIN and MUSLIMAH.... pls say 'Assalamualaikum' (peace be upon u) when u meet ur muslim brother and sister... and please for god sake, dun puase yok yok, petang petang bukak periuk OR!!! puase rok rok, petang petang mengorok... u defeat the purpose of fasting..... try do simple job or go out with friends and stuff... aite! so i guess this is all for today.... signing out...
Signing out:
by AyiE | 12:29 PM in | comments (0)
Whenever i am at the blog editing section, my mind totally gone blank... that explain why i dun blog often... seriously....
ok anyway i'm kinda sick and tired of eating donut, donut and moe donut... sooner or later, i;m gonna look like a donut too!!! sheesh, that shall be my worst nightmare.... last time they only have dunky donut in singapore... now... various kind of donut shop can be found here... Donut Factory, Donut Express, Yummy Donut, Donut Deluxe and MORE! this trend remind me of bubble tea.... remember when bubble tea is all over singapore?? it was kinda famous dun u think... but take alook now... there's like only 2 famous outlet which is Sweet talk and Smoothie Smoothie..... i got the feeling, same thing it will happen to this donut outlet... it will slowly fade out.. hahaz.... well by nw i shud say tats all for now, updating soon (cause i have no idea wat to update)
signing off
by AyiE | 11:42 PM in | comments (0)
Weeee... AyPilz Station is now offially known as I-Sky FM.... with the help of Syaz to run the station... thx bro.... anyway, syaz and me gonna build rc plane and fly it after Hari Raya, anyone game for it?? and also a cycling trip to east coast with alta terrain.... again.... last year we manage to cover whole singapore but exclude pulau ubin... this time, i guess we will be going there... :D anyway tats just for an update ler... updating soon....
ps: i miss my abg aiman and tommy....... BADLY
signing off
by AyiE | 10:00 AM in | comments (0)
Oh my god, i have no idea how many time is "Oh my god" after realising that i crock up issacritz blog..... ISSAC, IF UR SEEING THING, i am soooooooooo sorry... i really try to restore it but it seem Impossible!! URGH... i try my best again okie.... seriously... am soooooo sorry....
anyway today is the 3rd day of fasting month! seriously i thought by fasting i can loose weight, but end up... i gain!!! URGH!!! just imagine i gain 2kg after 3 days of puasa! this can't be happening...i need to start excercising... but am sooooo lazy!!!! hahaz.. anyway i gtg and have a nap... haven sleep since yest!!!
by AyiE | 10:49 AM in | comments (0)
ok, seriously... my internet is not working!!!! urgh... curse u laptop.... well if ur wondering where am i nw... the answer will be, SYFC Seletar... yea they are having a course here and they are short of trainers... since i am no longer schooling... they kinda seek help from me... lol... so yea..... i think am quitting the work at suntec there.... seriously it's too tiring... maybe i'm just not ready to work in FNB line.... anyway i've been happy for the pass few days and sad for the pass few minutes... lol... i knw sound crazy and complicated but yea.... to who may be concern.... i hope nothing will go wrong... anyway i gtg nw... hungry but no money to buy food.... sigh.... waiting for my sumone to cook for me!!!! yeap!!!! u knw who u r... hehe.... sengkang ngan seletar tak jauh tau.. hehee...
signing off
by AyiE | 5:25 AM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 12:17 AM in | comments (1)
Hey.... am trying hard ok to blog everyday! but like i say, seriously i have nth to type about... well what do expect... i have a boring life... I KNOW... lol... anyway nth much happen today cause all i did is went to beach road and embroid my name on my NVYFC shirt... well the sad thing is that i can only collect back my shirt on wednesday and it cost me $7.oo sia.... lol.. anyway tmr i will have a job interview... hope everything will go well... wish me luck guys!!!!
hmmm talking about my radio,... i dun have so much listener today... dunno why... is it cause of the flatcast server??? hmmmm i dunno la... anyway i talk to my cousin hafiz on msn just now.... though we are cuzz, but seriously, we rarely talk to each other and i am trying to find away to get close to him....
oh ya... fireworks? i dun think i am able to go.... sorry guys.. cause the mood is just not there la...
anyway, why must ppl keep pissing me off?? why???
and yes i would like to thank issac for promoting my radio... really appreciate it.... :D dun worry i did broadcast abt ur blog too... i knw... its fair.... hehee.....
and oh ya... i miss FLYING......
i know... i'm nutz.....
signing off
by AyiE | 4:03 AM in | comments (0)
yea... i know its been a long time since i last update my blog.... lol... busy being a dj la for my radio! lol.... seriously my radio now is KINDA famous! lol... i just hit the 300 listener jackpot... lol... for those of you who have not check it out? there's a direct link under my profile....
anyway on 9 of august! i was ATTACK by an uncle in the TRAIN! what a day sia... it happen in the morning of NATIONAL DAY! knn... i was happily listening to MIKA song on my ipod when he pull my ear piece off and start shouting why i keep staring at him! i was like shock la... i mean wat the fuck did i do sia.. he say why i stare at him... trying to be polite as i can be, i told him that i did not even stare at him or look in his direction and he began to argue! and this happened at admiralty... well i was on my way to North View to witness the NDP sch parade... anyway he start arguing with me, and i kept saying that i did not look at him and i dun intend too... i mean for what sia i wanna look at OLD uncles... oh pls... just not my type sia.... ok... then he got nothing to say he start strangling me!!! can u believe tat!HE ATTACK ME FIRST! passenger seating besides me all fled away instead of helping me... i mean hello... i am in trouble here.... then when i realise nobody is assisting me.... i make a move by punching his face! real hard tat he him self was shock that i make such move.... he then let go and warn me that next time, i'll be sorry... i was like.... what the hell was that all about sia....but to be honest... that was the first time i punch some one right at the face so hard in a public transport! lol....
basically tats is all i can say other than that it will be about my boring life.....
oh did i mention that the shirt i design for my Sec sch cca have arrived.. i was like SOOOO happy to see them buying the shirt that i have design and it look so FREAKING nice!!! i wore it to seletar the other day and i receive a LOT of positive comment EVEN from the PPL Section!!! cool huh...
anyway.... i might be going clubbing with Hafiz Asari! weeeee...... i just LOVE clubbing la.... and NO not because of drinking... but DANCING to loud Music.... well am not the kind of person who dance.... but it does make me happy and stress free when i dance!!! really!!!! and i am still waiting for abg Fir to bring me to ST JAMES!!!!!!!!!
okok.... i think i blog enough... and oh yea... do check up my radio aite!!!!
Signing off
by AyiE | 5:19 PM in | comments (0)
Weeeeee.... abg aiman... u still remember me!!! hehe... thank you for the comment though and sorry ya, i reply comment through my blog post!!:D i am so missing you and tommy... and like i said... i will wait for the day till u sms me... cause adik dah jarang masok ke IRC... :D SMS me tau! missing u and tommy badly!!
by AyiE | 11:08 PM in | comments (2)
Wow.... thinking back, its been 6 bloody years since i last visited the dentist! and finally i visited the dentist today! wakakaa... it was like a journey to hell! Seriously.... it's as if i've just sign my death warrant sia.... anyway.... yea i did visit the dentist today to remove tar tar from my mouth.... damn.... it was bloody painful but oh well i didnt make any noise or cry.....u knw when u start lying on the dentist surgical chair... its like as if ur lying in ur own coffin! and seeing all the equipment, makes me wanna faint or die of a cardiac arrest! lol... but oh well its WORTH IT! seriously... nw gotta take care of my teeth or the tooth fairy will keep aiming me... lol... and well the price is quite resonable.. i thought it will cost me $80 over dollars.... but it only cost $55... lol... anyway tomorrow i got to wake up early... so Abg man and tommy, sorry eh if am not on IRC tonight... miss u guys so much la... anyway gtg.... cya....
by AyiE | 5:44 AM in | comments (0)
For a moment i thought i was happy... then i think again... well infact i am happy... happy getting to know abg man and his tommy! They never fail to make me smile.... though we never met before... but the connection between us is very strong... yea...
Anyway to abg man, if ur reading this.... sorry kalau tak online dekat irc tonight cause i was away with my sis to hard rock cafe.... so i hope to meet online tonight... aper2 pls beep my hp......
Anyway, hard rock was a lady night yesterday... i knw it sound weird for me to go out on a lady night.. lol but yea eventually i did.... hmmm had 2 cup of vodka and a coke.... and HEY i know my limits.... gosh... I LOVE dancing at club BUT the songs tat play there totally SUX....and the band is no where to be average....anyway it was my first time going to warung batu keras.... lol. tats wat most of my mly friend name it... lol...Hope to club again!! and again!! No am not addicted, but i just luv dancing with loud music, remixes and a smooth dance floor.... yeap..... anyway there's sumthing i wanna tell u guys...
gay.... Nowadays rite... i can't really identify a homo guy and a hetero guy... Really, take a look at their dressing....Hetero are now dressing like a homo and yet they self proclaim tat they are not homo and anti homo (typical homophobic).... i mean like.... HELLO.... look ur self in the mirror la, Big shades? V Neck shirt with cardigan? Sling Bag from NUM??? ur outfit simply tell me tat urhahaz... if a homophobic wear the same thing like how homosexual wear.... sumthing must be wrong.....Definately... anyway... i guess thats all for now...
signing out..
by AyiE | 5:14 AM in | comments (0)
Ok... time to update my blog... but whats there to update when u been staying at home almost all the time??? So sumone, please ask me out...
anyway, my dad is out station again.... leaving me and my sis alone at home....again, this mean i'll be bored to death.... drown by boredom... so sumone, please ask me out....
I've been happy though nowadays, after knowing a few people who have always brighten up my day... U knw who u r... especially my abg abg... and yea the plan to go to MOS was not successful as AEE is kinda lazy to go and not many respond from the others.. but as what AEE has promise... he will go if there is a event next time.... "D.... Oh yea, my internet radio station is BACK online.... well its sad cause this time am going solo instead of duo... cause back in 2005 AyPilz always have 2 DJ known as AyiE which is me and Pilasco who is nw in canada... but with Pilz in canada, this mean that i have to run the show on my own.... well if u think u have wat it takes to be a DJ and willing to run my station, tell me... i create a DJ profile for you and choose a time slot and the station will be urs... but still using AyPilz IRB name... and pls dun ask if u will get paid... obviously the answer will be no... this is just part of a free time things to do, or if u have the passion for it and willing to try out.... i do this because i like doing it so.... and i dun get paid doing all this shit... hahaz... so if u are interested.. pls do tell me aite.... and if u wanna listen to my station... go to the broadcasting time is 8 to 10pm and 12 to 2am on Weekdays and 8 to 12 am on week end....
PLS SUPPORT MY RADIO STATION... and sumone please ask me out....
Signing off
by AyiE | 3:42 AM in | comments (0)
Yea, am back to blogging guys! is tat a good thing or bad huh?? tell me abt it.... Anyway my life have been going ups and down.... seriously..... and am beginning to feel lonely again after 7mths of being single... No am not desperate for love but i just want someone to be love and to share my ups and down with.... i knw, there's friends and ppl who are close but u can't kiss them or have sex with them can u? see... friends are just a supporting pillar who always give u moral education or advise... u can't kiss ur friend as a form of saying thank u can u??? i dun think so... sigh i have no idea what am feeling rite now... further more, my dad is just being unreasonable... i hate it actually.... and Shuk, thanks for the advice.... i really appreciate it.... anyway, i got to go now... cya guys around.... and for Pak Jut.... I'LL TAKING MY 2B AS LONG AS I HAVE THE MONEY!!!! hahaz...
by AyiE | 6:20 PM in | comments (1)
Ok, when was the last time i post something in my blog? A month ago... i guess, anyway Happy Birthday to me! Yeap, well its not really a Happy celebration to me though.... like what i predict, Every year, my birthday will just be a normal Day for me.... yeap nothing special... i spend the WHOLE day at home on my bdae! and worst come to worse.... fought with my dad and sis.... wow so for a HAPPY bdae to me huh? and Noo... i didn't receive any gift but tats no big deal like as if i'm gonna accept any gift BUT i would like to thank Faliqh, Ady for meeting up with me just to give me a bdae card... i really appreciate it and also my beloved abg Fir aka Pak Bom for treating me to swensen accompany by Pak jut and his beloved dear and Khai who join in later.... Also would like to thank Elfie for spending time with me and treating me to a Quite expensive restaurant.... again i really appreciate it.... and for the others, whom i did not mention, Thank You for flooding my phone with bdae greets, i appreciate it..... Now that i am 18, i think i am more independent and there's sumthing in me need to be change or alter..... and yes, ISSAC!!!! am still waiting for u to ask me out!!!! hahaz... well tats all for now....
Signing off
by AyiE | 1:36 AM in | comments (2)