The singapore Airshow was held at the Changin Exhibition Center from the 19 to the 24th of February 2008. iBlog went there to check on the RSAF Black Knight Display team and it was AWESOME! their performance is equal to the red arrows! fantastic!
Singapore Airshow is Asia's largest aerospace and defence event, is a joint venture between the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Defence Science & Technology Agency. It is one of the top three air shows in the world and serves as a global marketplace and networking platform for the military and civil aviation community.
An airshow's success depends on more than just a name. It depends on the location, the people who manage it and their experience in running successful airshows. Singapore has played host to Asia’s largest airshow for 26 years. And that experience is going to help us keep doing just that. That is why you can expect to be awed by the Singapore Airshow 2008...
Cool Huh... i've been to 5 airshow all together and am looking forward for the aerospace hub in future by 2010....2004 Asian Aerospace
2005 Royal Australian Airshow
2006 Asian Aerospace
2007 Langkawi International Marinetime Aerospace (LIMA)
2008 Singapore Airshow...
wonder wat install for me in the future! cool
signing off