In today iBloG topic, we're gonna talk about the FACT sheet of kissing, AS all of us should have known that, kissing are mend and reserve for the love one, (you wont be going around kissing other people unless ur drunk or simply a nutcase!).
Kissing the right person can definitely give a sense of wellbeing, but theories abound as to why this might be. Let us see what anthropologist and author Dr Stephen Juan of the University of Sydney says about kissing.
In passionate kisses, where there is a "Wow" factor, the body responds with an adrenaline rush, releasing the feel good chemicals dopamine and phenylethylamine in the brain. The adrenaline speeds the heart rate up, giving that pounding feeling and may cause the body to become sweaty or the cheeks to flush. Women may release oxytocin, a hormone needed for female orgasm. A kiss may also trigger the release of endorphins which stimulate the immune system, adding weight to the argument that people who are in love are generally healthier than those who are not.
The above physical reactions depend, of course, on the emotion behind the kiss. We have to feel attracted to someone, otherwise the kiss will leave us cold. If your senses are ignited by someone and you like the sight, sound and smell of them, then your body is likely to spark a chemical reaction.
Non passionate kisses can, however, make us feel good for other reasons. A baby will enjoy the ticklish sensations and funny sounds of a kiss by someone it loves. A kiss from a close friend or family member will make us feel good as we see it as a sign of love and affection from someone we love. The reason for that sense of well-being is therefore not so much biological, as psychological.
Why Kiss?
There are many different theories on why we kiss. One is that it relates to times when mothers used to wean their children by chewing their food for them and then passing it into their mouths. Others say it is linked to comforting memories of breastfeeding, or that it is simply learned behaviour picked up from images we see in film, TV and magazines. Several experts argue that kissing
is linked to our sense of smell, which can play a major part in physical attraction.
Certainly, the Eskimos' habit of rubbing noses could stem from a desire to get close enough to smell each other's pheromones. North American Indians had a lips to cheek kiss in which no motion or sound was made. In India, there were references in the Karma Sutra to lip-sucking, when the male would suck the female's upper lip and she his lower. There was a period when the "double butterfly" kiss, or eyelash to cheek kiss, was popular.
The romantic, passionate lip kiss is generally thought to originate with the early Greeks and Romans. In fact, when the Europeans first went to the Far East in the 16th century, the Chinese and Japanese were reportedly shocked, horrified and at times amused by the action. Dr Juan puts the recent trend for social kissing in Australia down to our unique blend of different cultures and their habits. The social kiss on the cheek is, he says, a greeting rather than a sign of affection.
While there may be no simple explanation for kissing, it looks as though this universally popular act is with us to stay....
and here are some of the FACT about kissing, adapted from (
1. The act of kissing puts 29 facial muscles in motion. In other words, kissing is an effective exercise to tighten those facial muscles and prevent baggy cheeks.
2. Kissers exchange saliva containing various substances, like proteins and antigens. These can give a boost to the production of antibodies and oost your immune system.
3. Two-thirds of people keep their eyes closed while kissing. The rest stare wide-eyed in enjoyment at the emotions on their partner’s faces.
4. An average American woman will kiss 80 men before she gets married.
5. A quick romantic kiss will burn about 2-3 calories, whereas an open-mouth french kiss with tongue-tongue contact will shed much more.
6. The sensitivity ( number of nerve endings per unit area of skin ) of the lips is 200 times higher than that of the fingers.
7. Statistically, men who kiss their wives goodbye before going to work live five years longer than those who just slam the door.
8. Smooching passionately for 90 seconds will elevate blood pressure and cause the pulse rate to go racing, equivalent of a short jog.
9. In France, a french kiss is known as a “joining of souls†in France. Both the lips and the tongues have their roles.
10. Contrary to a popular belief, the Eskimos do not merely rub their noses against each other in a greeting display of love and affection. They also enjoy the scent of each other by holding their nose against the other’s cheek.
11. Kissing in public is usually frowned upon in Japan. A typical Japanese kiss is reserved and secretive, where the two kissing are supposed to maintain a certain distance before they bow their heads forwards and kiss each other on the lips for no more than a second.
12. Kissing can produce endorphins ( much like chocolate does ) that are 200 times more powerful than morphine, which can cause the sensation of euphoria and bliss.
13. The after-effects of kissing include inducing reduced pulse and blood pressure, and a sense of relaxation.
14. An average person spends two weeks of his life kissing.
15. A one minute french kiss can help burn 26 calories.
16. Every other person on the planet has his or her first french kiss before reaching the age of 14.
So now you knw all the fact about kissing! so reserve your kiss for someone whom u love the most!!Signing off