Yea yea that's me... i'm not a cam whore nor am i a photogenic person but at this time... i just feel like taking a pic. Anyway this pic was taken at Seletar camp gate bus stop while waiting for the SYFC van to pic me up.... seriously, waited for 35mins for tat bloody van to arrive and pick me up... urgh... and yea though i didn't sleep for whole day.... believe me.... i was 1 hour late..wakaka.... hmmm ppl ask me, why i didn't sleep... some say "wah u go clubbing ar yesterday?" ofcourse... the answer will be no rite... yea though i club before BUT i dun really like it... yeap... SERIOUS LA! anyway! where was i... hmmmm.... oh yea... why i didn't sleep.. cause first i can't sleep.... isomea i guess.... 2nd have to complete the AFS website... and also have to do some update on SYFC website, and also the Open unit website.... see.... 3 WEBSITE NEED TO BE UPDATED and thx alot for the LAST MINUTE info.... urgh... shud have charge MORE! wth rite... and anyway, we got a new family member in SYFC! congrats Rayner for getting a job with SYFC where everyday there's political issue and also on being the Store man!.... yeap... tats one thing la why i not active in SYFC anymore.... TOOOOOO MUCH of political issue! and also i LOVE working as an Outdoor Adventure instructor.... lol.... anyway when i'm on my way home, met Shamini and Fathona at CP... hahaz.... we jln2 for awhile.... anyway dunno wassup with fathona today.... every min she will laught non stop.... hahaz, but cute la... then i complain i got backache.... SERIOUSLY my whole backbone HURTS alot... can barely walk home just nw... then fathona suggest me to eat the Panadol for backaches and joint pain.... she say gurantee work....
and HELL YES... it works!!! suprisingly... now am telling u! if u have backaches or joint musscle pain, highly recommend u to buy this panadol...really it WORKS... GURANTEE! but those who are alergic to paracemetol, PLS dun buy... lol....
anyway went to Johore last 2 days with Deeno.... hehe, such a nice guy to go out with, deeno... thank you for entertaining me and make my day up! and yea i DOO enjoy seating under the star at marsilling park there.... next time we go adventuring at ubin or st.john island aite!!!!! anyway went johore cause sick and tired of singapore... lol... go there jln2, buy cd, and eat....
This is wat they call Ayam Picir.... Picir is sambal belacan and ayam basically, chicken... its and indonesia food... but in singapore we call it Nasi Ayam Penyek.... but the Ayam Picir, they dun "Penyek" the chicken... hahahaz... anyway its the courtesy of deeno!!! once again... thanks.... anyway tmr am going out with Hanif! yeap... cant really tell u guys where am going now... cause i knw alot of paparazi will come after us.... cause all of us knw that we are the most gorgeous and beautiful and talented people.... NOT!!! hahaaz.. lame i knw... well i gtg leh... how?? hahaz updating soon aite.....
signing off