Thursday just wasnt my good day.... **on 04/09/2008 @ 1635hrs, i was walking home from yew tee shopping centre and i did not notice anything amiss. However, while i was walking on the 2nd level multi-storey carpark on the way back home, i was being pushed to the staircase landing from the rear by 2 unknown male malay subjects wearing helmets with tinted visors. When i fell down to the ground, both subject start to kick me repeatedly and one of the subject took out a sharp object believed to be a pen knife and slash onto me. i then tried to defend my self using my arms. My police Warrant card and 11B were taken away but my cash and mobile phone was left untouched. Both of them fled towards the carpark area to unknown direction. Im kinda worried for my family safety too cause my 11B have my full address... I need help but dunno who to seek from... any suggestion...
Picture of my arm been slashed.... Lucky it was just a pen knife... not a Parang...
im suprised... even on fasting month... there are still ppl with evil intention.....
signing off