Ok! am here am here.... am blogging nw aite but..... WATS THERE TO BLOG!!! i've been staying home most of the time stoning! LOL.... anyway spend my time with faliqh yesterday! THX bro... hehe like to hang around with u... ERM i mean, there's always sumthing for us to talk... and yea eating chocalate or not eating, it still makes u hyper active... and very entertaining too!! wakaka, and ur new hairstyle, ITS CUTE! wakaka.... here's the pic we too yesterday...
ur lucky i kneel down or else u look SHORT... muahahaz... and notice my fringe.... haha its gone now cause went to STORM to get my hair done.... ITS so shot till i have no idea how to style it... waiting for Faliq to style for me... hehee....
Anyway today is a boring day for me indeed... woke up around 3pm, bath and off to jurong to get my hair done, buy my dad food and come home, rest for awhile, went to lot 1 and buy my things and back home and nw am blogging! hahaz...boring rite? if it is i want u to say Oh Yea!! OMG i'm still in camp spirit! URGH... anyway tats all for now!!
Signing off
by AyiE | 9:05 PM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 4:40 PM in | comments (1)
PANDAN OIIII!!! hahaaz, tats the common thing i always heard coming out from ahmad (daddy, bluek), and abg ady (CICAKMAN??? ) yea tats rite, tat's one of the common camp cheer rite? well for god sake i just come back from the camp!! hahaz, its a good experience la, i'm beginning to enjoy my work as an outdoor adventure trainer!! gosh the camp tat i take was for Pandan Primary school.... it a very happening camp and a sad one too cause this is the last camp for Pandan Primary cause next year they are merging with Fuhua primary and to y understanding, they dun like and dun wish to merge with pandan primary and yesterday, the teacher and staff witness the withdrawal of the flag at the MOE... its a sad actually..... BUT i guranteee tat everyone of them enjoy the camp and WILL miss the camp, some kid actually cry when they see us waving good bye as they leave the camp site with their school bus....anyway i'm a lil shagged nw.... and i guess i'll update my blog later....
signing off
Uncle AyiE!
by AyiE | 4:30 AM in | comments (0)
by AyiE | 4:54 AM in | comments (0)
Oh yes, i do love cycling, ESPECIALLY night cycling, this is the best time for u to cycle on road, seriously...this is why i love cycling on road at night, take a look at the road......
see.... there isn't any vehicle on the road!!!kinda spooky and foggy at time... and ur mind cannot think properly when u cycle alone... at 2 to 3 am in the morning... anyway yea i just got back from cycling and sorry for not blogging for the pass few days, been busy enjoying my self... yea tat's rite.... hmm, last 2 days (wednesday) went out with Elfie to ViVo City, hahaz, had our lunch at LJS then were off jln2 there... well, elfie was wearing a sleeveless shirt, more like singlet la.... and he was feeling cold, and we plan to watch a movie, so he actually buy a cardigan just to watch the movie, i mean, oh my.... and yea we watch 'the reaping' and erm, its a nice movie but a very complicated one....yeap and i do enjoy my self jln2 with elfie.... hahaz, we got a lot of things to talk under the sun.... lol.....
and well yesterday, Me and Boi (ewan) fly the electric plane or also known as 'Operation White Strike', well we are proud of it actually cause we are the first club in the world to introduce the electric line control aircraft... cool huh...
Boi and me, Proud to hold the first generation of electric line control aircraft in the WORLD........
The aircraft it self, she's a beauty
Anyway, before i sign out, here is a quote i found in a magazine, i like it so much.... its meaningful for ppl who hold high ranking, like me, an instructor....
"Be an example to your men, both inyour duty and in private life.Never spare yourself, and let thetroops see that you don't, in your endurance of fatigue and privation."
Signing off
by AyiE | 11:05 PM in | comments (1)
Woohoo, yea finally i got my self a PHONE!!! haha, well nth much to be happy about, just got my self the Sony Ericson w850i... hahaz, as most of u knw, i'm a nokia user, so its abit hard for me to use and understand Sony ericson, LOL... serious... am still learning to use my own phone... lol.... wth... anyway i'm quite happy la to get my self a phone so i can contact my beloved brother namely abg faliq, fir, fai, ady and asrie... HEHE... ok enough about my phone thingy, and nw back to my life....
to all of u out there, go ahead and call me a fashion disaster or call me emo and such, fyi, I'm nt into any such concept... yea u heard it dude, i'm a type of person who live with my own style live in my own way.... yeap... tats why most fasion designer dare to wear watever they think it is nice to them... they dun care the remarks given by others... yeap...
well i guess tats all for now dude...
signing off
by AyiE | 6:59 AM in | comments (0)
Urgh! time check its 0700hrs and i'm still wide awake!!! i mean, WTH... i can't sleep, is it true tat i actually have isomea??? huh??? is it???? gosh... the sun is up and i think i'm going down for a morning cycling, yea gonna start some basic excercise and develop my body before i go NS, i got a strong feeling that im going Army... BUT i really hope i'll be in the home team, meaning either SCDF or SPF.... really.... anyway i think i am pysically and mentally prepare for BMT (I HOPE) muahahaa... well nash, if ur reading this post, i got sumthing to say.... I MISS TALKING TO YOU OVER THE NET.... wakakakaa, but wat the hell, always hang sia my computer.... wakaka, wonder when we can actually go out and meet up... lol, bring zack and fido along!!! i would luv to go out with them.... really...waakakaa..... GOSH at 7am and i am so hyper active, must be the donut tat my sis bought from the Donut Factory.... can't believe that she actually queue for 5 long hours together with her boo just to buy 12 donuts.... tat must be nuts... hahaz, really! but i guess it's worth it la, cause ALL the donut is damn DELICIOUS.... u guys shud try it....
Singapore 179101
Yep, there u go.... the address, its good for a bday gift actually... wakaka...
well i guess tats all for now...
signing off
(Disclaimer: 'AyiE' is a © icon and it is a TM registered. the name 'AyiE' have to be spelled with a Capital 'A' and end with a Capital 'E')
by AyiE | 10:44 PM in | comments (0)
ok ok, strike back whatever thing i say earlier on, today good friday is AWESOME... ahaz, i nt sure why but i like it... i actually enjoy my day..... hmmmm well my sis bought a box of donuts from the donuts factory, my dad went out and back late... hahaz then also went out with Dee, ride around on his bike, i think tat is what i enjoy most la... wkakaka....yea btm line, i'm HAPPY today.... muahahaha
signing off...
by AyiE | 5:24 PM in | comments (0)
Dios mio, its virnes santo hoy and me got nth to do at home! so much for a good friday, me dad and sis went out and NVR ask me out..... what the hell rite?? well the only thing i'm doing rite now is stoning... and i have yet to get my self a new phone...... urgh! i need a phone la..... my phone stupid, went dead on me.... sigh... wonder what phone i shud get next... N series??? or sony ericson?? hmmm comment anyone??
signing off
by AyiE | 10:06 PM in | comments (1)
bored bored bored and WHOLE day i slack and seat at home rottimg... u knw wat i hate to waste my precious life time slacking.... ask me out sumbody.... PLS... hahaz...
Do u knw tat the dirtiest hole on U is nt ur ass hole but u Ear hole... YES, scientiest in australia have found out that our ear produce 0.5 gram of earwax every 10mins... hahaz, well this is FYI only.. wakaka...
Other then tat, i have nth to update
signing off
by AyiE | 11:24 PM in | comments (0)
Urgh! my phone is dead!!! wat the hell, i can't even on it.... FUCK la....
Anyway today was a OK day for me, hahaz, was damn angry at my juniors... anyway isn't it frustrated to ride a taxi when the taxi driver don't even knw how to go to ur destination, i mean, HELLO, ur a taxi driver and u should knw which way to go or the shortest way.... i'm just a passenger u knw... wonder how taxi company hired their driver....
and yeah went to eunos today and meet Emmdeee... hahaz, he drove me around singapore.... cause he dun knw how to get to bukit merah from eunos.... then always miss the exit, was kinda fun... lol....
Well i guess i say enough.... lol, gonna have sum rest tmr aite so DON DISTURB ME!!!
signing off
Yes, i'm done with the old me, wakaka for tat i have done my new blog template, well this template is a joint project with my sis, DiL, cause we have just created a Freelance web design company together, it is call AyDiL BlogDesign services, its a short form of Ayie and Dila. My company is called the Aerolicious web co. while my sis company is called the butterfly dots co. but since we are sibling and share the same interest, we decide to join force and name it the AyDiL BlogDesign Services. ok ok enough about the company thingy... hahaz anyway i've been so damn bloody busy this few days all thanks to the upcoming speech day @ north view, yeap, my yfc members participate in the parade segment and have to trained them on how to march, i can't understand why the other uniform group talk bad about our marching standard, hello a wake up call.... we are NOT a UNIFORM group unlike u guys, and we only been trained less then a week and again unlike u guys tat have been train since the beginning of the year, and pls la, ur marching doesn't even impress us or even up to a certain standard, WTH....
Ok ok.... cut the fight out.... lol.... LUCKILY my best buddy Ewan help me out with the training... hahaz, it was fun la actually, and anyway i can't wait for the juniors to build the Electric line control plane and i wish NVYFC will get the title Best School Unit...
Neway, the Alta-terrain will be organising a cycle marathon soon, for those cyclist out there who are interested, pls pm me on msn aite, this is the third time we organised such marathon, the route will cover up Starting from west (Jurong) to south (Marina) to central (Orchard) up to North (Ang Mo Kio) down to East (Pulau ubin) and end point East Coast. so again, if ur interested, pls pm me..
Well i guess tats all for now
Signing off